6.0HDAfaq Panmela Castro Stéphane de Freitas Activists around the world fight injustice and drive social change in this documentary that follow
有我同行2020记录7.0HDPatty Cohen Domenico De Sole José Carlos Bergantiños Díaz Jack Flam Ann Freedman Michael Armand Hammer 杰伊·埃尔南德斯 Maria Konnikova Luke Nikas Pei-Shen Qian Michael Shnayerson
以假乱真:赝品的真实故事记录2.0正片Afaq Panmela Castro Stéphane de Freitas Activists around the world fight injustice and drive social change in this documentary that follows
有我同行记录3.0HD克莱门特·柯杰特 法国当代艺术家克莱门特·科吉托,将法国音乐家让-菲利普·拉莫创作的欧洲启蒙时代芭蕾歌剧巅峰代表作《华丽的印第安人》再度搬上舞台,将古典华丽的巴洛克风格变为简洁夸张的巴黎市郊移民族群风貌。本片详实记