3.0HD中字Samantha Roddick 领略《维纳斯的诞生》的不朽魅力。它是一曲女性人体美的颂歌,它在问世后几经沉浮,最终成为世界级偶像。波提切利绘制的女体为何如此具有革命性?它对现当代艺术又有怎样的影响?
波提切利的维纳斯:偶像的诞生记录5.0全4集布莱恩·考克斯 Brian Cox tackles some of the most challenging and intriguing questions facing science today by us
布莱恩·考克斯:空间与时间的冒险记录3.0全6集暂无 With access to some of the world's best restorers and the beguiling collection of the V&A, t
博物馆的秘密 第一季记录9.0正片路易斯·泰鲁 In the US, there are now six states that offer the terminally ill the option of ending their lives w
BBC路易斯·泰鲁:灵魂大搜索 - 选择死亡记录4.0正片暂无 https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b0bcmjht/horizon-2018-4-spina-bifida-meOne in every 1,000 pre.
BBC地平线:我与脊柱裂记录2.0正片伊万·麦克格雷格 To celebrate the centenary of the Royal Air Force, actor Ewan and former RAF pilot Colin McGregor, h
百年皇家空军记录3.0全3集暂无 HMS Queen Elizabeth is the largest and most advanced warship ever constructed in Britain. This three
不列颠最大航母记录6.0全3集暂无 踏上难能可贵的探索之旅,了解拥有两千年历史的绚烂艺术文化,及其铸就的世界上最古老的帝国。故事中的这片土地拥有两个名字:波斯——古老而神秘,充满冒险气息,强大的国王建造了大批雄伟的寺庙和宫殿,美景超乎.
波斯记录1.0正片奥萨马·本·拉登 十多年来,他被悬赏通缉、全力追捕。今晚本节目将全程剖析美国军方如何追踪并击毙其头号敌人。这是一次史无前例的大胆突袭,美军海豹突击队直捣本·拉登藏身之处。在巴基斯坦军方眼皮底下,本·拉登何以成功藏身..
本拉登之死记录5.0全3集贝尔·格里尔斯 In this brand-new three-part series for ITV, adventurer Bear Grylls heads out on an epic journey of
贝爷绝世大冒险记录3.0HD马克·梅森 杰克逊·比利斯 The film will explore society's obsessions with the pursuit of happiness and will be presented
不在乎的微妙艺术记录8.0全6集大卫·爱登堡 Back in 2011 the BBC aired Frozen Planet, the massively popular natural history series, celebrating
冰冻星球 第二季记录8.0HD中字罗伯·布莱顿 Prairie dogs are America's answer to the meerkat - small, sociable and exceptionally cute. Thi