布赖恩考克斯教授游历地球上一些最令人惊奇的地点,向观众展示和剖析自然法则所造就的太阳系的伟大自然奇观。 第1集 太阳帝国 第 2集 从混沌到秩序 第3集 蔚蓝色的大气层 第4集 生与死 第5集 未知世界 Professor Brian Cox visits some of the most stunning locations on earth to describe how the laws of nature have carved natural wonders across the solar system. In this first episode Brian explores the powerhouse of them all, the sun. In India he witnesses a total solar eclipse - when the link to the light and heat that sustains us is cut off for a few precious minutes. But heat and light are not the only power of the sun over the solar system. In Norway, Brian watches the battle between the sun's wind and earth, as the night sky glows with the northern lights. Beyond earth, the solar wind continues, creating dazzling aurora on other planets. Brian makes contact with Voyager, a probe that has been travelling since its launch 30 years ago. Now 14 billion kilometres away, Voyager has just detected the solar wind is beginning to peter out. But even here we haven't reached the end of the sun's rule. Brian explains how its greatest power, gravity, reaches out for hundreds of billions of kilometres, where the lightest gravitational touch encircles our solar system in a mysterious cloud of comets. 1 Empire of the Sun 2 Order out of Chaos 3 The Thin Blue Line 4 Dead or Alive 5 Aliens
10.0更新至03集未知 植物漫长进化的成果,为人类打开全新的世界。 从香料的视角,看食物如何影响历史并塑造了地域性格;跟随香料的流转、迁徙、征服、融合,从全球视野看中国饮食的独特性;全球化浪潮下,香料如何影响烹饪,并成为
风味人间第五季纪录1.020241213施琰 史南桥 本间贵史 赖旭东 王平仲 王心宴 梁穗明 新一季“梦改”一方面将延承节目在家装领域的优势资源,匹配合适的设计师对委托空间进行功能性改造,打破空间限制。无论是在一平米的空间上施展“收纳魔法”,还是解决房屋发霉、漏水、隔音差等棘手问题,设计师都将
梦想改造家 第十一季纪录10.0正片未知 本片是电影导演信友直子的一部纪录片,记录了导演信友直子98岁的父亲和患有痴呆症的90岁母亲的日常生活。向来掌管家务的乐观母亲,在患病后日渐失去生活自理的能力,改由年迈得父亲悉心照料。
我痴呆了,请多关照。~欢迎回家,妈妈纪录8.0HD中字Thomas Arnold Bilge Ebiri A.A. Dowd From "Top Gun" to the "Mission: Impossible" franchise, Tom Cruise becomes the