
主演:托马斯·米连 约瑟夫·科顿 Maria Fiore Mario Piave 卢西亚诺·卡蒂纳齐 圭多·阿尔贝蒂 费米·贝努西 Silvano Tranquilli Shirley Corrigan Antonio Casale 罗萨里奥·博雷利 卢西亚诺·皮格齐 马里奥·诺维里 布鲁诺·迪·鲁亚 Giuseppe Castellano Tom Felleghy 伊妲·伽利 Adolfo Lastretti Bruno Alias 布鲁诺·贝托奇 瓦尔特·帕特里亚尔卡 


剧情:  Umberto Lenzi is undoubtedly the king of Italian crime movies, but unfortunately; Syndicate Sadists is not the best examples of his work in this genre. Lenzi's crime flicks tend to be a cut above the rest because he makes films based on stories with a point, and they don't lack direction; but this film feels a bit too wayward to fully fit with the rest of his stuff. The film takes obvious influence from Sergio Leone's landmark western 'A Fistful of Dollars' (which in turn, took influence from Akira Kurosawa's landmark samurai flick Yojimbo), in that it features two warring families and a strong character at the centre. The crime that Lenzi focuses on is kidnapping, and we centre on a character called 'Rambo'. Rambo is dragged into the war between the two families after his brother is killed because of it. Rambo uses his brains and brawn to pit the two families against one another, in the hope of gaining revenge for his brother's death, rescuing a young boy that they've kidnapped, and ultimately letting the two sides destroy one another.  The film's biggest asset is undoubtedly Tomas Milian. Milian was put to great use by Lenzi in almost all of his crime thrillers. The range of characters he has played for Lenzi is immense, and this one is easily one of the coolest. The character is called Rambo, which immediately sprang to mind the popular Sylvester Stallone character - but for once, the Italians actually haven't stolen this name as Syndicate Sadists was released first! As usual, the film is wickedly entertaining, as we get to watch Milian get himself involved in the usual array of car chases, shootouts and brawls. Lenzi has got him riding a motorbike this time round, and every scene featuring it and Milian is a real standout! However, the film often feels like it doesn't really have anywhere to go, and this means that the running time is stretched out more than it should be. Compared to the crime films of other Italian directors, Syndicate Sadists is more than above average; but in relation to Lenzi crime flicks such as Almost Human and The Cynic, The Rat and The Fist - it doesn't stand tall as one of Lenzi's best. Still, if you're looking for ninety minutes of testosterone fuelled mayhem - Syndicate Sadists will suffice!


藏海花之暗巢汹涌4.0正片未知 本片讲述了张海客和张念兄弟二人古珞历险归来后,幕后黑手韩霜挟持了张念,逼迫张海客带路重返古珞寻找传说中神秘的“工卡”,众人开启了一场新的雪域探险之旅
超危险保镖4.0HD爱丽森·布里 爱丽丝·伊芙 约翰·塞纳 克里斯蒂安·史莱特 马尔顿·索克斯 爱丽森·布里爱丽丝·伊芙约翰·塞纳克里斯蒂安·史莱特马尔顿·索克斯简介:一名前特种部队特工退休后在家做起奶爸,他接受了一份为知名女记者提供安全保障的工作,与她一同前往南美采访一位政府官员,但采访过程中
全面回忆3.0HD中字科林·法瑞尔 凯特·贝金赛尔 杰西卡·贝尔 布莱恩·科兰斯顿 欢迎来到Rekall,它是一个能够把你的梦境变成现实的工厂。主人公道格拉斯·奎德(柯林·法瑞尔 Colin Farrell 饰)是一名普通的工厂工人。尽管他有一位漂亮的妻子(凯特·贝金赛尔 Kate
德瓦拉5.0正片小老虎 赛义夫·阿里·汗 詹维·卡浦尔 普拉卡什·拉贾 梅卡·斯里坎特 希恩·汤姆·查科 阿杰 卡莱亚拉桑 施卢蒂·马拉特 纳拉因 拉梅什瓦里 穆里·夏尔马 阿比曼纽·辛格 盖普·斯里努   德瓦拉是一位来自沿海地区的无所畏惧的男子,为了保护人民的生命,踏上了危险的旅程,进入危险的海洋世界。他不知道的是,他的兄弟贝拉正在密谋反对他。随着事态的发展,德瓦拉将他的遗产传给了他温文尔雅、胆怯
惊天大营救20241.0HD托尼·贾 洪浚嘉 姜皓文 陈朵怡 释彦能 彭渤 毛凡   退役安保专家白安挟持富家小女孩贺婷,意图借此向其父复仇,却意外助其逃过毒贩灭门。尽管年幼,贺婷却心智成熟,面对父亲生死未卜、自身孤苦无依的困境,她竟向一心要杀她父亲的仇敌白安提出合作,共同踏上了寻
惊天大营救2.0HD国语托尼·贾 洪浚嘉 姜皓文 陈朵怡 释彦能 彭渤 毛凡 退役安保专家白安挟持富家小女孩贺婷,意图借此向其父复仇,却意外助其逃过毒贩灭门。尽管年幼,贺婷却心智成熟,面对父亲生死未卜、自身孤苦无依的困境,她竟向一心要杀她父亲的仇敌白安提出合作,共同踏上了寻父之
高处营救9.0抢先版莫蕾娜·巴卡琳 安东尼·麦凯 麦蒂·哈森 Shauna Earp Danny Boyd Jr. Kevin Hummel Dalila Orozco Dave Malkoff Drexel Malkoff James Anthony Perez Gregg S. Perry Mike Hickman 一个单身父亲和两个女人从家中的安全地带冒险面对可怕的生物,以挽救一个小男孩的生命。
匹夫2.0HD国语黄晓明 张译 张歆艺 王奕权 包小柏 倪景阳 马志明 孙磊 张粤 高群书 梁静 江珊 李子雄   抗日战争年代,一群亡命之徒集结在北方平原。他们在首领方有望(黄晓明 饰)带领下,建立了一个地下王国,平日打劫为生。一日他们绑架了一个正去迎亲的新郎官高栋梁(张译 饰),出乎意料的是,高栋梁是个硬汉
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冲击天子门生7.0HD国语刘德华 张耀扬 王祖贤 鲍方 黄光亮 于莉 罗烈 梁锦燊 洪兴社经多年发展,基本已将生意转入正行,老当家忠叔出于义气接受海龙社当家的请求,拜托警界多年好友林森对海龙社毒品生意网开一面,岂料两人会面时遭人行刺。林森遇害,忠叔为避嫌只得远走台湾,将社团事务交予三
黑雀特工9.0正片凯特·贝金赛尔 鲁伯特·弗兰德 雷·史蒂文森 萨弗蓉·布罗斯 本·迈尔斯 迈克尔·布兰登 阿尔本·巴贾拉克塔拉贾 Emma Gojkovic 戈兰·卡斯蒂克 羽田昌义 Romina Tonkovic 安德烈·莱纳 Charles Nishikawa 安娜·希拉斯 Jaz Hutchins Ramona Von Pusch Patrick Pearson Dominik Cicak Igor Pecenjev 杰夫·米尔扎   艾弗里是中情局秘密特工,在任务中认识了无国界医生大卫并隐瞒身份与之结婚。  一天,大卫被神秘团伙绑架,对方威胁她从一名重犯手中取得情报,赎回丈夫。 艾弗里随即闯入监狱,却发现情报不翼而飞。  名为
奇侠扫黑9.0HD中字未知 ????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????  ?????????????????? &#3
72小时5.0正片凯姆·吉甘戴 妮基·韦兰 珍娜·克拉默 山姆·特拉梅尔 皮尔森·福德 小路易斯·达·席尔瓦 查尔斯·克利夫兰 两兄弟,一个是联邦调查局特工,另一个是国际洗钱者,他们放下分歧,齐心协力,深入黑帮领地,寻找危险的出口,以拯救他们的家人。