Bart's cartoon about an angry dad is turned into "Angry Dad: The Movie" and quickly becomes a critics' favorite. When Russell Brand presents the Golden Globe to Bart's film, Homer usurps the podium and gives his own acceptance speech. The film's winning streak continues with Homer taking credit at each ceremony, so when "Angry Dad" receives an Oscar nomination, Bart keeps it a ...
9.0第72集未知 出身贫寒,天赋普通的少年罗修,意外融合诸天大道本源至宝轮回珠,能自视身体,看透生命,改良武道功法秘籍。于是从此摆脱平凡,拳开天路,执掌轮回,身镇诸天万界,威压大道万古,成为一代大帝,傲视古今。
武道大帝 动态漫画动漫2.0第30集杨凯祺 赵爽 聂曦映 李逸 尹博一 张家辉 张雪敏 傅婷云 幽幽 孔天畅 刘一鸣 唐明冬 赵熠彤 黄伟忠 传奇黑客为拯救人类被系统AI追杀身死,意外成为异界第一宗门的宗主,但为了应对宗内全是卧底的局面和随身而来的系统危机,陈宁只想低调的再观望看看。但如锥处囊中,纵使他冷面无双心系世人,也是万花丛中过,