Rainer Werner Fassbinder was probably Germany’s most significant post-war director. His swift and dramatic demise at the early age of 37 in 1982 left behind a vacuum in European filmmaking that has yet to be filled, as well as a body of unique, multi-layered and multifarious work of astonishing consistency and rigour. From 1969 onwards, Danish director and film historian Christian Braad Thomsen maintained a close yet respectfully distanced friendship with Fassbinder. Fassbinder – Lieben ohne zu fordern is based on his personal memories as well as a series of conversations and interviews he held with Fassbinder and his mother Lilo in the 1970s. The film also contains current interviews with Irm Hermann and Harry Baer, both of whom were close to Fassbinder. Beginning with Fassbinder’s extraordinary childhood in traumatised post-war Germany, the film, which is divided into seven chapters, provides an illuminating, intimate and moving tribute that bears witness to the enduring relevance of both the man and his work. Today in particular his oeuvre continues to provoke us to engage with controversy and tension – be it aesthetical, creative or critical. berlianle 2015
4.0HD未知 Capturing the experiences of Afghanistan women's under the Taliban since they took control of Ka
面包与玫瑰2023纪录9.0HD藤贵子 饭田让治 Jôji Iida 伊野尾理枝 Rie Ino'o 黑泽清 清水崇 落合正幸 探讨千年之交日本恐怖电影的起源,这些电影以复仇鬼魂通过现代科技显现为主题,背景则是都市的疏离与社会的衰败。
日式恐怖片病毒记录3.0HD未知 In 2016, a young Australian filmmaker began documenting amateur inventor Peter Madsen. One year in
深潜2020记录1.0HD藤贵子 饭田让治 Jôji Iida 伊野尾理枝 Rie Ino'o 黑泽清 清水崇 落合正幸 探讨千年之交日本恐怖电影的起源,这些电影以复仇鬼魂通过现代科技显现为主题,背景则是都市的疏离与社会的衰败。
日式恐怖片病纪录3.0已完结Cyril Chauquet 这是一部惊险刺激、令人肾上腺素飙升的探险类自然动物纪录片。从加拿大北方的雪山群到亚马逊丛林,西里尔·肖凯和他的团队怀揣着对鱼类保护的热情,克服野兽的追捕、原始部族的攻击甚至调研船只的摧毁等艰难险阻
追踪巨型鱼记录7.0已完结戈登·布坎南 无论它们是在树上,还是在地底,动物们在人类无法接近的地方度过了一半的生命。适合野生动物的定制相机让我们进入一个通常无法到达的世界,通过它们的眼睛揭示出新的科学和以前看不见的动物行为。第一次在地下洞穴拍
假如动物会摄影记录8.0更新至09集未知 一档大型治愈系医务纪实节目将24小时全景式记录上海儿童医学中心医护们的工作全程,见证儿科医生一路的“打怪升级”和自我成长。节目扎根于生活,聚焦时下社会的热点话题、医患关系、社会问题、家庭教育,人性拉扯
闪闪的儿科医生第二季纪录5.0HD中字Jason Pumarada Tristan Donovan Charlie Fish Akio Morita Alexandra Perry Aoife Wilson From war, Japan began to show technological prowess like the world had never seen. After a shockin