There certainly are elements in this film that could have been left out, and the film would have been better off for it; why the cheap monster/demon makeup?(The increasing blisters are great though..) Why having that obnoxious fatso-brother appear in the film at all? And let's face it, the special effects in places were not exactly state of the art either, neither were the editing. So why give it an 8 then? Well my rating couldn't have been any lower, and this is based solely on the fact that the film positively reeks of unique and creepy atmosphere, atmosphere so dark that I put it up there with the Kane-scenes in"Poltergeist 2", and the atmosphere in"Exorcist 3". There truly are some psychotic and memorable scenes. Two that stands out are when the mother of the family tries to" connect the dots" on Cyrus's back, the other is when she sits quietly in the living-room sowing, and then starts to jam the needle and thread into her hands! Excellent! Not to mention the infested fruit and vegetables! All in all,there is in this film a disturbed and unsettling tension that you seldom get to witness in other horror flicks of the same decade, and certainly not in contemporary and crappy Hollywood blockbusters, that's for sure. If you are just curious, rent! If you are a true horror-fan, buy!
2.0正片张皓承 董潞蔓 叶博明、依琳夫妇在一座偏僻小岛从事水产养殖,来探亲的堂妹依娜偶然发现一座废弃矿井,意外释放出神秘生物。这些生物会根据声音追捕猎物,为了生存人们必须保持绝对安静,尽管如此,神秘生物还是如影随形,无声的世
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换皮科幻3.0HD中字威廉·达福 娜塔莎·雷昂 在这个城市的高处、在一间大公寓内,居住着一对夫妻。他们非常相爱。女的是一个画家,男的是一个成功的演员。这是一个平凡无奇的下午——或者说不平凡的下午,因为明天凌晨的4点44分,地球将遭遇一场无法预计的灾
地球最末日科幻4.0HD中字Danielle Britten Ross O'Hennessy Terry Cooper 2117: A colonization mission to the new world of Epsilon Eridani B is struck by disaster as the ship
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