The legendary singer has finally received the major portrait film he deserves. Oscar winner Alex Gibney unravels Paul Simon's life's work, from his time with Art Garfunkel to solo highlight 'Graceland' to his latest album. ‘His music floats around you, enters your lungs, and suddenly you’re breathing through the songs.’ The Oscar-winning director Alex Gibney is speaking about Paul Simon, whom he has been given exclusive access to while the 82-year-old musician is recording his latest album, ‘Seven Psalms’. Through a goldmine of photographs, interviews and never-before-seen footage, Gibney unravels the many iconic moments, from Simon & Garfunkel’s early days to their reunion concert in front of 750,000 people in Central Park. ‘In Restless Dreams’ is the portrait of Paul Simon he has always deserved. We will screen the film once during CPH:DOX and transform the Bremen Theatre into Rufaro Stadium in Zimbabwe in 1986, when both the film and Simon’s career culminate in an unforgettable concert.
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